Abe Lincoln said, if you give me 6 hours to cut down a tree, I’d spend 4 hours sharpening the saw.

Sound advice! Yet most businesses use a Ready Fire Aim approach to marketing. The truth is that marketing is complex. It relates to everything that is customer-facing in your industry. So, from your logo and color schemes to content and context, your target market, your message, your message delivery and incentives, Advertising, PR, Social Media, content writing, and site development. The list goes on and on.
We act as your Senior marketing group and, using your budget and insight, put together and help implement, a professional marketing program. Using our network of professionals, we will oversee all the pieces, give you one bill, and manage your marketing to bring in new and better customers.
Jets talk! Get your free Marketing review ( CAll me 720 254 1234
Since 2003, we’ve worked with hundreds of Denver and national businesses on Marketing plans, sales programs, and web visibility.
Our programs are as unique as your business. Most marketing companies are one-trick ponies. Doing only one or two skills needed out of the many needed for a complete marketing program.
Using a Social media posting service and an SEO company Is not going to get you where you want to go. Its not a plan, Its a dull axe.
It doesn’t take a lot of thought process to figure out that if you do what everyone else does, you’ll end up in the middle of the pack.
Local SEO is actually the combination of three different visibility strategies, we then add a fourth we simply call the local authority.
Three areas you want your site to be visible for the important searches people use to find your service/product.
- Google Maps. Your Google Local page. This looks like this:
(two of the three businesses shown are our clients)
2.) Organic Results. Those are the normal results you see after the sponsored ads from Google and the map results when the term serves up a maps listing. Because of recent changes, there are fewer “map” results displayed for some local business, making the organic results and pay per click advertising a higher priority. Our long-term clients sell over Two million dollars a year based on organic results and other web visibility systems.
3.) Other websites that have great visibility and traffic, that can lead new customers to your site.
All of this is based on a well-designed website, that communicates to the search engines the right information in the correct way. This is called on Site SEO.
We add a completely unique element to the mix with our local authority programs which add great new content, video, and value to your site. By standing out with great and targeted content to your audience, you’ll see better site engagement and better conversions.
How much will this investment be? Depends on many factors, but you can generally budget from $500 to $950. a month for the full program which includes video interviews and content added to your site.
Call us today for your free assessment. 720-254-1234
Or contact us for a free video review of our current rankings and Local Seo status.
See more Local SEO information on these blogs:
How to calculate the value of your visitors: http://salesjumpstart.net/blog/visitor-value-and-bounce-rates-for-local-seo/
You may not need SEO or social media:
Or just click on the SEO category on the right side of the page.