Susan Roberts, Action Coach - Janna Hoiberg
Having had the opportunity to work with hundreds of small and medium business owners in both Denver and Colorado Springs, as well as across the entire USA, there are two elements I have found in every successful and growing business. Those are , first they have excellent advisers, and second they have great employees.
If you take a look at the businesses you know that are doing well, I would bet they have those two elements. And so, if that statement is true, you should be able to reverse it and have the same out come. Business that are struggling, and not growing do not have two things, great employees, and great advisers.
So if your business is not living up to what you thought it was suppose to produce, both in income and lifestyle, you may want to look at this.
One of the more interesting insights for me when looking at all this is of all the businesses I have known to use a business coach in Denver or Colorado Springs, the VAST majority have grown and been happy they made the choice to utilize a coach. Let’s face it, what many of us need is to be held accountable, and to have access to great information. A business coach will do both for you and a lot more. There are very few challenges in business a coach hasn’t seen.
I have seen a few business not do well with business coaching, and drop the program after a few months. In these couple of cases (less than 7% of the total businesses I know that used a coach) I can say that today both continue to struggle, and not live up to the potential the owner saw in the company.
So do your self a favor, call one of these two coaches ( Full disclosure, I AM NOT compensated for this endorsement)
Denver- Susan Roberts ( Action Coach) or
Colorado Springs – Janna Hoiberg Business Coach
Both have excellent track records and have successful helped hundreds of businesses.
Another excellent business coach is Carl Dierschow of Small Fish. he’s in Fort Collins and I will admit to being completely biased. 🙂
And I agree with your sentiments. Accountability, clear thinking and using coaching to help you focus on doing what’s needed in your business (including finding and keeping employees who want to help you succeed) is a good step towards enjoying your business.
HI Shane,
If you have any comments that could expand on the blog, that would be great. Simple self promotion isn’t going to get posted.
I have worked with many business coaches, and would be happy to give you some ideas on marketing. Your site is a good start… you may want to add information about you. Your experience, your background, your success stories. Businesses hire coaches based on knowing them and trusting them. Your site look’s good, just needs to talk about you, not your company name.
You would be welcome to submit a guest blog on small business coaching, and if approved we would love to post it.
Great weblog, I count on updates by you.