Amazing Sales Tip. Use Your Sales People For Sales Intelligence.

You know who understands the strengths and weaknesses of your product as well as anyone? You guessed it, your sales reps.

During my sales tune ups and consulting it is most commonly my interviews with the sales people that dig up the best ideas in selling more. So why don’t they tell you? Well, have you asked? Or have they mentioned a few ideas that you have ignored?

Schedule a sit-down lunch or coffee with each sales rep and ask them, what can we change or do to sell more? When prospects don’t buy, what are their reasons?

When they buy from the competition, what is it they liked better? If you owned this business what changes would you make to close more of the people we see? Are the leads you are getting good quality? Are there certain lead sources that are better than others?

How is your compensation? What would you change about your compensation?

You are going to be AMAZED how much information you can get, and if you put your ego asides (if needed) and find ways to implement some of the ideas, your sales will improve.

Sales people love to be listened to. There is also a real value in letting an “outside” person have these conversations. That’s part of what I do during a full sales tune up. Having run sales groups of up to 650 people, I can discern rapidly when a sales rep is being honest, or just making excuses. (Yep, they’ll do that).

Call me for a free consultation of how we can get your sales up fast!
MIke 303 808 1734

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