Business Development Basics

My One Call LLC Business Development Process:
With new clients we focus on the following areas by developing three time frame plans , after our initial assessment.  Those being, short term (45 days) mid term (up to a year) and long term (up to 3 years and exit strategies).

For each time frame we are going to assess, research and then develop a plan for:

  • Growth in Monthly Cash Flow (not sales)
  • Growth in Prospect generation (# of prospects x Average revenue x closing percentages)
  • Growth in operations (increase in employees and expense)
  • Growth in expenses
  • Growth in Pricing or expense reduction ( for each level of growth add x expense to pricing)

These areas must balance and be focused on continually to be successful.

To implement and maintain the program we meet with the client at least twice a month for several hours, as well as continually telephone and email communications.  Remote clients can use Skype or Google Hangouts . We assign a support manager to the account to mange the weekly tasks and assist with driving the plan with the client.

Being a My One Call client is like having a full marketing, advertising, and sales training department employed by you – without the expense.

Part of Business Development is ongoing marketing and advertising services:

  • Development of collateral materials. Presentation books, Web site and branding materials.
  • Research into new advertising opportunities, new market opportunities.
  • Design and place advertising
  • Screen new prospects and set appointments

Ongoing Business development through

  • New business opportunities
  • Grow existing revenues
  • Networking and relationships
  • Financial and operation consulting. Cash flow management tools

Most businesses are leaving revenue on the table.  We can find it, and move it to your bottom line, as we develop new streams of revenue for your business.

Read our testimonials

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