Tag Archives: contractorleads.com



A client forwards an email from contractorleads.com offering appointments.

I call the sales representative for contractorleads.com  and hear the standard sales pitch.  Leads generated from T.V, Internet and other sources.  The problem I have is I have never seen contractorleads.com on line in Colorado, or on T.V.  So how are they going to generate a prospect?

I ask my standard question of any company a client is thinking of advertising with. Can you provide 3 references in this market?  contractorleads.com tells me no, it’s propitiatory. Huh?  How is giving out a reference proprietary?

So I ask who runs the company.  contractorleads.com tells me they don’t release this information, and the sales rep is getting pretty sick of my difficult questions.  To her credit she does put me on hold to ask a manager if she can tell me.  She comes back and says she is sure she can not, but they are owned by a group of investors in an LLC. So  I ask the name of the LLC.  Nope, they don’t release that,   contractorleads.com will not even tell you that.

Contractorleads.com  did a little service magic bashing in the intro, but I will say  this about service magic, you go on line and get the names and information on all of the executive management, and they will provide references.

So,  If you are planning on looking at lead sources,  my feeling is contractorleads.com considers contractors to be pretty stupid.  And if you ask any regular questions about a company you are about to hand your money to (and credit card information) they will basically end the conversation.  I say… no  to contractorleads.com

Try www.servicemagic.com instead.

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