Tag Archives: Denver Local SEO

Web Visibility Should Be The Goal, Not SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of making sure your website ranks well in the search engine results.  Today, that’s only a piece of driving quality traffic to your site.

Here is a partial list of what areas a good web visibility program will take into consideration when developing a plan to increase your website visitors and the conversion of those visitors to customers. When we provide SEO services we are really providing much more to insure you get results.

  • Untitled designLocal SEO
  • Pay Per Click advertising. (we include this in the majority of our SEO – web visibility programs)
  • Social Media .
  • Should you be on every social network, posting and engaging every day? Probably not, but you should have a profile on all the major social platforms, just from a visibility standpoint
  • Content development and distribution.
  • You Tube channel with educational content.
  • Public Relations.  Yes, both digital and traditional P.R. can be a huge asset to your brand and visibilty.
  • Social Media advertising.
  • Customer reviews.
  • Other web sites. Lets face it, if a prospect searches for your type service and the first result is “yelp”  you should be on yelp.
  • Newsletters and Building an Email list
  • Site promotion on signs, and promotion materials.
  • Online testimonials for other businesses.

Web visibility should be the start of any Internet marketing program. Local search engine optimization is certainly important, but a great program will bring your site quality visitors even with out high individual rankings.  The fact is moving a site up in rankings can take time, so to maximize your investment getting traffic to your site adding and focusing on all of the above will bring in revenue faster.

If you would like a free 30 minute consultation on how visible your business is online, please call us today at

(720) 254-1234

Mike Bayes


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Local SEO. The One Fix to Jump Start Your Rankings

Local SEO. The One Fix to Jump Start Your Rankings. (updated February, 2015)

A few months ago a new prospect who has been using several different SEO type companies asked me why their site still couldn’t be found online.  This is a good question as they have spent thousands of dollars, in a slow and painful trickle, to SEO and Internet marketing people via a $350.00 monthly payment over several years. (That’s like 8K total)

Mike closing2So, I like any professional give the standard SEO guy answer, let me look at it.  The first tactic I use to figure out what is going wrong in a Local Business ranking is to see where they are currently listing online and what those listings have in them. Specifically do the sites they are currently listed on have the correct information on the company’s name, address, phone number, and categories.

In this case the potential client had a real mess going on.

One of his “SEO” companies had built two different web sites with two different URLs, both with different phone numbers (for tracking I assume) and their correct company name and physical address. They had also listed these sites with the wrong information in many of the standard local directories everyone uses, including Google of course.

They also had a HomeAdvisor listing with a tracking number, and….  they even had several directories where someone years ago had listed their home phone number and address before they had a nice big office in a nice big office building.

All of this created a very confused Google.

Google loves consistent information about your company. They are robots… they have a mission, and the first mission is to collect information on your business name, address, phone and URL.  If they see different versions, they completely lose their confidence, and push your website rankings way down, so they don’t have to deal with it. I am not joking. These robots are cowards.

The reality was they didn’t need SEO, they needed an Internet Janitor to clean up a horrible listings mess.  And this is where so many SEO’s and businesses get it all wrong, from the very beginning. They start with checking back link reports.  Backlink reports will not show you the inconsistent listing issue. You must search like a human (hey… that sounds like a song title… “Search like a human”), anyway. Go to Google and type in the Company name.  Now go to every site that shows up for that company and see if it has the right Name, Phone, Address and URL.

I have seen rankings plummet when a business uses DEX advertising with a call tracking number. Dex will publish the company name, address and the tracking number, all over local directors to encourage salespeople to call the client, so DEX can make a dollar of two on the call.

It all comes down to this.

A confused search engine is a big problem. And when Google see’s different information for the same company, they don’t call you and ask, because they are robots, they just bury your rankings because robots have no feelings.

In many cases, the fastest way to get your sites rankings up is to fix any old, incorrect, or in any way inconsistent listings that exist online today. Most businesses can do this on their own by contacting each site that needs to be corrected.  In some cases, it’s really hard, so if you can clean up most of them, you probably have done enough to fix the problem.  Or, you can hire an Internet janitorial firm (like us) and we will do it for you.  The main thing is Don’tMike closing2 continue to pay for SEO until this is completed. You may be surprised to see your site appearing on the first page for your important services after a good clean up.

Not sure if this is your issue on rankings?  See that click to make an appointment link on the top of the page, it goes directly to my inbox.  Feel free to use it, and I can tell you in 5 minutes if you have issues.

By Mike Bayes


Should you add no follow links for your site?

Yes. And here is why you should not discount no follow links.

Rand Fishkin,  Founder of SEOmoz just did a great blog on early ranking factors data after his companies April Linkscape update.

One of his interesting points during the session was that many SEO’s are using more no follow links, and that they are seeing better value in them.

I have agreed with that for years. And here is why. A link profile that has a nice mix of Follow and no Follow is more natural.  Google likes natural.

Not only that,  but as Rand made this point in the presentation, alot of really trusted sites and high value sites use no follow. Face book, twitter, wordpress… the list goes on and on. I don’t think google really pays as much attention to the no follow tag as many people think they do. Why would they. Works to their advantage if we think they do, as they then have a metric that is pretty easy to identify sites building an unnatural linking profile using an unnatural amount or percentage of follow links.

So, I go back to were I always seem to go with Links. Add links that you would add without considering how they will effect your site rankings, and you will end up in good shape. SEO is not search engine manipulation. It is solid marketing and promotion for your web site.


You can see the blog here

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SEO and Twitter in Denver

Denver skyline at sunset, from the southwest
Image via Wikipedia

SEO in Denver:

A client recently posted a blog on Denver data backup services, and that was the title.  It landed on the first page of Google that day, in the 7th position.

Today that same blog is in the first position, and the only difference I can see, is two people have used the url in a tweet. hmmmm.

So,  does using the url and basic title in a tweet really jump start your individual blogs ranking on Google? Is this something new with the new Google social media changes a few weeks ago?

I’ll let you know what I find, and let us know what you know.


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Denver SEO and Google Social

Google Logo officially released on May 2010

Denver SEO and Google Social Media

Denver SEO is changing again with the news this week that Google is now including some of your friends social media links in with your search results. I tried it myself yesterday using several keyword searches I knew I had tweeted about, and there they were, first page under my Google search results.

So Denver SEO and National SEO practices need to change again, and start to consider how a company is “optimized”  or visible on Twitter, and other social media properties.  For the moment Google can not include face book mentions, as face book has a deal with Bing.

Here is a good blog on it at by Matt McGee at Search Engine Land.

With the Google results, it will only show social mention and links from your friends on Google.  So for this to have any effect on your results, you will need to have added a lot of friends to your google accounts.  But the main point for all of us is how focused the search engine world is on finding the right balance to bring social media into the search engine results.  It also means that search engine optimization continues to become more and more complex.

So what should a local business be doing about this?  For Denver SEO you need to make sure you have a twitter account in your company name and use it. Tweet about the services and products you want to promote, and include the URL of your site once and a while.   Make sure write blogs (and make sure the blog is on your URL) and tweet about your blogs as well.

A Google spokesperson said this is just the beginning of social integrated results.  SEO’s in Denver should pause for a moment and understand what this means.

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