Tag Archives: Matt Shoup

How to Win Business Awards, and SEO

How to Win Business Awards, and SEO

One of the more powerful SEO tools for a business is winning business awards.  The problem is the vast majority of businesses don’t understand the process of submitting their business for consideration to the hundreds, if not thousands of organizations that issue awards.

Traditionally a business would use a P.R. firm to identify and submit their firm for business awards. The truth is very few small companies can afford a P.R. form, and when they can, they will generally run out of patience long before any results are obtained.


One of our clients, M and E painting,  is owned by an up and coming entrepreneur, Matt Shoup.  Matt owns several companies, and has worked diligently over the last few years understanding P.R. and specifically how a business can win awards. The result of this is his Book, How To Become An Award Winning Company.  You can read about it on his site here  www.becomeanawardwinningcompany.com

The value of winning or being noted in a business award category is obvious.  It builds credibility and trust with potential prospects, it helps create a powerful company culture with your employees, and it can create great links and citations for your site.

In this era of SEO, a great SEO knows that we need to think outside the old, Link, Link, Link, thinking and move more into a early to bed early to raise, Promote, Promote, Promote.  When your client receives an award from a trusted local or national organization,  you will see good things happen to their sites rankings.

Take a look at Matts’  book. It will be released in December of 2011, and has already received excellent reviews



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