Tag Archives: On Page SEO

1.2 Million Dollars in New Leads, With 1 Page and No Off Site SEO.

 1.2 Million Dollars in New Leads, With 1 Page and no off site SEO.

I know, SEO is a very difficult to understand these days… but we all must conceed there is “something” that determines where Google and other search engines place a result from a search query. Understanding how that works (or at least some of how that works) is what a good search engine optimization company does.

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...


The process of understanding that is to watch carefully how certain pages move up and down in the search engine results for certain specific keywords.  And when you see positive movement, figuring out what may have caused it. This is where it gets really tricky, especially for an SEO who is actively working on marketing a clients website, because in my humble opinion, Google does some very interested things concerning “timing” of search rankings.

The short version is, what you see happening today may only be temporary, and based on Google wanting you to think what you did in the last few weeks, or month may have been the cause of the change, when, the truth is, they’re just waiting to see if you react to a positive change by doing more of what you did, and then seeing that you do, they ZAP your silly little SEO process and drop your rankings like a bowling pin going down for a 7-2 spare pick up.

It’s the typical “Google is smarter than you syndrum”. Look,I am pretty sure they only hire people with an IQ higher than 195, and thats for part time positions. You are NOT going to outsmart them… really. Go ahead.. try.

So what do you do?  Well, doing nothing with a pages SEO is a great process. You see , once you get past the basic’s of some good quality promotion of a site, and making sure the site has decent if not great on page optimization, the rest falls into the hands of the audience.

The people who search will have a much larger impact on your pages ranking than any backlinking or SEO wizardry you may do.

English: White hat seo symbolizes good ethic t...


Here is my example. This page is ranked very highly in about 7 different city searches for the major keyword.  In other words, if I set my browser to Denver, or one of the major suburbs around denver, and type in the keyword, with no location intent (a city or zip)  this page is in the top 2.  That by itself doesn’t mean much, but it also brings in a huge amount of the right traffic for the client. This year they are getting about two proposals a month from the page, with an average value of 50K.

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 There aren’t a bunch of backlinks to the page.  We haven’t done any SEO to the page except the concept, and the onsite work… meaning just the basics.. title tags and such. So why does this page rank so well?  People LOVE it! The click through rate is huge, and the time on page is excellent.

This page is so popular that I know of at least two other competitors to the company that use it to show their prospects what a basement finish might cost. Now thats a great testimonial.

So what’s the most important element to SEO?  Popularity of the page you build. (past the basics,. aAnd, isn’t that exactly the way it should be?  I told you those Google people were smart.


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