Tag Archives: Search engine Optimization

Understanding Search Engine Optimization

When we explain SEO, or search engine optimization, to business owners, we explain it in this analogy.

SEO is like a popularity contest back in high school.  Every one wants to be liked by Google.  So the first thing is Google has to like your looks.  In this case, that’s your site.  Google like’s sites with good content,  easy navigation,  and a site that is clear what it’s about.

The second thing Google wants to know is who likes you ( who you hang out with). In this case what other sites like you, and how does Google feel about those sites. If they are popular, your site is going to pick up some popularity points in this contest. A site’s trust is also very important, is Google confident that the site that mentions your site is on the “good” list.


Google also wants you to be popular with sites that are related to you. No one likes a wishy washy site.  Are the sites that like you, related to what you are?

And Google knows who likes you (your site) by what other sites link back to you, or give you a mention.

If you want to see more about how Google Index’s web sites check out our  SEO Page and the video by Google’s own Matt Cutts.

Local SEO in Denver

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...
Image via CrunchBase


Search engine optimization is so much more than employing the tactics to make your site popular with search engines.

We view it as an over all promotion strategy. It just makes sense that you would want your business listed and mentioned on as many good sites, and sites that are relevant to your business, as possible.

On site SEO is just the practice of making your site usable, and interesting.

Spend a moment viewing the Google video on our search engine optimization page and you will get the best over view of how Google ranks sites I have ever seen, in a few minutes.

See it here Denver Search Engine Optimization, Google video http://www.salesjumpstart.net/Searchengineoptimization.html

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